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Always seeking new ways to push the bounds of creative excellence, at AIM we believe that “expressive automation” will have a huge influence within the entertainment spectrum in the years to come.

As show formats become increasingly controlled through programmable means, this technology will continue to evolve and develop. The integration of ‘spectacle’ and ‘automated components’ has become a new convention, and as automation becomes more accessible and more intelligent – the desire to ‘think big’ will have the means to match it!   

In 2018, AIM joined forces with Dalian Betop Culture & Technology, Kaifeng Qingming River Park Co. Ltd, and Aniplay, to bring you our latest creative venture ‘Creatures In Motion’.


In 2019, our magnificent animatronic horse made its stunning debut in picturesque Kaifeng China. We were proud to present this huge 46-tonne mechanical beast, dressed in glass fibre reinforced plastics, with three operators coordinating its movement. The horse came alive as it moved through the crowds, rearing up on its hind legs and blowing smoke at the audience.


Since then, we’ve gone bigger and better again, but more importantly, our creatures have rapidly changed in their dynamic abilities; they are true examples of “expressive automation” at its finest, cutting through to a common imagination.


We look forward to sharing the progression of our wild adventure as the journey unfolds.

Creatures in motion - sketch development
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